
Arrow Films is a leading independent entertainment distribution company, established in 1991. Operating in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, United States of America and Canada, Arrow Films is dedicated to supporting upcoming and established filmmakers of dynamic new cinema and developing an enviable slate of quality films that enjoy a lasting legacy across its award-winning branded labels, channels, and platforms.

Arrow Films is also a leading restorer and theatrical distributor of classic and cult/horror films, including landmark titles such as Cinema Paradiso (25th-anniversary re-issue), Donnie Darko (15th-anniversary re-issue) and Hellraiser (30th Anniversary re-issue). These lovingly restored films are brought back into cinemas nationwide with brand new-look campaigns with wide-reaching distribution including outdoor event-status screenings at various cultural festivals, and as one-off bookings in local repertory cinemas and film-societies.

Arrow Films is widely considered to be the global market leader in the Premium Home Entertainment market, fuelled by passionate and expert curation, aligned with state of the art in-house film restoration – resulting in highly sought after bespoke Blu-ray editions of classic, cult and horror films, across its Arrow Video and Arrow Academy branded labels. Beloved by collectors, these ever-expanding brands continue to delight their growing international fan base with regular interactive live events, festival sponsorship and retail stand presence. Our offering extends to truly Limited Edition box sets as well as associated spin-off products, now including books and vinyl records.

Arrow Films is also dedicated to delivering an ever-changing Digital and On-Demand audience and immersive community initiatives that take the connoisseur fan-base well beyond the shrink wrap!

Arrow Films is also the leading distributor of international TV series, through its Arrow TV imprint, and single-handedly pioneered the Nordic Noir TV genre, from 2010 onwards, with its releases of iconic DVD box-sets of seminal Scandinavian crime dramas, including The KillingWallanderBorgen and The BridgeFrom this distinguished legacy of Nordic Noir, Arrow TV has since unearthed some of the finest examples in British TV series, as well as the very best drama that the Nordics, Europe and the rest of the world has to offer, plus some never-before-seen shows curated specifically for its subscription channel, which is dedicated to offering fans of quality TV drama a unique series showcase.


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