Mawu Films

Mawu Films is a new independent UK Blu-ray distribution company specialising in multi-award winning African and Latin American cinema.

The ethos of the company is to bring rare masterpieces to light, selected from different decades and film movements. Our aim is to stimulate discussion and nourish new conversations around revered classics, so long hidden from the world.

Using the best available material for our audience, each Limited Edition will be paired with an original poster, a documentary, an audio commentary, a booklet containing a newly commissioned essay by a leading expert, short films, and original archival material where available. It is hoped that these additions to the film package will provide viewers with a valuable insight into the filmmaker’s creative process, as well as shedding light on their unique historical context. The Blu-rays will be restored for the first time and will be released in their original language, with optional subtitles in a range of other languages, including English.

We also intend to produce Standard Editions at a reasonable price, which we hope will encourage new audiences to experience these rare cinematic landmarks.


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