Grindhouse Releasing

Grindhouse Releasing is a Hollywood-based distribution company dedicated to the restoration and preservation of classic exploitation films. Founded in 1996 by Bob Murawski and Sage Stallone, Grindhouse has produced spectacular deluxe editions of Lucio Fulci’s “THE BEYOND”, Ruggero Deodato’s “CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST”, Umberto Lenzi’s “CANNIBAL FEROX”, David Durston’s 1970 drive-in classic “I DRINK YOUR BLOOD”, and Juan Piquer Simón’s outrageous chainsaw epic “PIECES”.

Grindhouse Releasing is also committed to theatrical distribution. The company recently presented the theatrical releases of the long lost psychedelic odyssey “AN AMERICAN HIPPIE IN ISRAEL”, Duke Mitchell’s previously unfinished 1976 crime sage “GONE WITH THE POPE”, Bill Lustig’s notorious film “MANIAC”, and the theatrical re-release and negative restoration of Sam Raimi’s “EVIL DEAD”, all presented in glorious 35mm in theaters throughout the U.S. and Canada.


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