Second Sight Films

Second Sight Films is a UK DVD, Blu-ray and On-Demand distributor, specialising in classic and cult film and TV series from around the world. An independent company established in 1994, we have built a reputation for the quality of our releases which often include new restorations and bonus features, audio commentaries, archive material, special limited packaging and much more.

Our diverse catalogue of films ranges from classics – A Hard Day’s Night, Heaven’s Gate, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Becket, Les Enfants du Paradis, Gregory’s Girl and World on a Wire, to cult favourites – The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Re-Animator, Scanners, Basket Case, Betty Blue, The Flight of the Navigator, The Endless Summer, Juice, Colors and Taxi. TV series include BBC classics Butterflies, Daniel Deronda and Your Cheatin’ Heart, and German masterpieces Heimat and Berlin Alexanderplatz.


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